Our Mission
REDWine project proposes an innovative circular business model allowing wine producers to treat their liquid and gaseous effluents efficiently and profitably. The concept is the result of a powerful synergy across bio-based industries and focuses on the utilisation of biogenic CO2 from the wine fermentation process for microalgae biomass production and valorisation. REDWine will establish a simple biorefinery inside a winery that will generate sustainable and cost-competitive ingredients for food formulations, cosmetics, agriculture and wine production. The project is led by the AVIPE association in partnership with 11 related entities.
Motivated by an urgent need to mitigate climate change and, particularly, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from food value chains, REDWine focuses on the utilization of biogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from the wine fermentation process for microalgae biomass production and valorisation. A powerful synergy across bio-based industries results in REDWine’s innovative circular business model, which allows wine manufacturers to efficiently treat their liquid and gaseous effluents while profitably diversifying their revenues through the valorisation of Chlorella biomass into multiple high-value ingredients.
The REDWine concept will be realized through the establishment of an integrated ‘Living Lab’ demonstrating the technical and economic viability of a system for collection and storage of the off-gas and liquid effluents of a 20,000L wine fermenter and its adaptation to microalgae cultivation and energy efficient harvesting technologies, in order to use 90% of the CO2 collected, to produce biomass
Project Details
- Grant agreement ID: 101023567
- Start Date: 1st May 2021
- End Date: 30th April 2025
- Funded under: Societal Challenges
- EU Contribution: €5,676,744

REDWine is led by primary producers, the AVIPE wine producers’ association, in partnership with 11 other very committed entities, including 7 SMEs, 1 LE, 2 RTOs and 1 UNI. The proposed consortium assures the all the needed multidisciplinary knowledge and a level of redundancy required for effective implementation of the project.