Our Mission
RAWMINA project will develop an innovative pilot system for the clean and sustainable production of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials in the EU from mine waste resources. Specifically, it will standardise an innovative energy, water- and cost-effective continuous pilot process for producing raw materials. It will also contribute to reducing production costs and environmental impacts.
RAWMINA will develop and demonstrate an innovative pilot system for the clean and sustainable production of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials (RMs) in the EU from Mine Waste (MW) resources. RAWMINA will implement and standardize an innovative energy, water- and cost-effective continuous pilot process for producing RMs. It will integrate novel bio-leaching and nano-based materials for Sb, Co, Ge and W selective recovery from MW from “unexploited/underexploited metal containing materials”. RAWMINA will improve EU competitiveness and create added value in RMs processing, refining and equipment manufacturing by developing a new circular business model as an alternative to traditional linear mining economy.
Project Details
- Grant agreement ID: 958252
- Start Date: 1st May 2021
- End Date: 30th April 2025
- Funded under: Societal Challenges
- EU Contribution: €9,146,967.26

RAWMINA is coordinated by LEITAT, and also involves a prominent industrial partner from Chile, the location of the world’s largest copper ore deposits.
The project will leverage the knowledge and support of the Advisory Board members, including expertise from the mining sector in South Africa, Portugal and Turkey.
It is funded by the European Union: Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, and Spain;
The project also includes non-EU and international organisations from Chile and the UK.
RAWMINA involves 5 RTOs, 3 universities, 4 large enterprises and 7 SMEs.