Just Nature Project

Our Mission

Cities consume more than three quarters of the world’s energy and produce more than 60 % of greenhouse gas emissions. Reversing this situation will turn cities into models, leading the way towards a low-carbon society. JUSTNature project will turn to nature-based solutions to ensure a just transition to low carbon cities. Considering the right of all citizens to ecological space, the project will co-design new systems which conserve natural ecosystem values and functions and will ultimately provide numerous benefits to people.


The overall objective of JUSTNature is the activation of nature-based solutions (NbS) by ensuring a just transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right and not constraining the ecological space of others, the right to clean air and indoor/outdoor thermal comfort for human health and well-being, as well as thriving biodiversity and ecosystems

Project Details


The JUSTNature project consortium consists of 20 partners who are working together with their teams on achieving the project’s objectives. The team consists of a network of seven city partners and a wide range of partner organizations ranging across the fields of research, technology, stakeholder, and community engagement. In this view, the JUSTNature consortium adds to its excellence of knowledge and in-depth expertise across a wide range of disciplines and types of organizations and sectors all across Europe.

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