Our Mission
DELPHI aims to integrate passenger and freight transport in a single system aiming to deliver the enablers -both on technical and governance/ regulatory level, towards a federated network of platforms for multimodal passenger and freight transport, capable of sharing in a seamless and secure manner, cross-sectoral, multi-modal passenger and freight transport data, as well as traffic management systems information |
DELPHI will deliver 1) novel governance and regulatory schemes, models, and stakeholder analysis with specific roles for logistics and passenger transport ecosystems, harmonizing digitalization of information flows in international supply chains and multimodal passenger systems. 2) a Platform Federation Reference architecture for a “Multimodal Passenger and Freight Transport Network of Platforms (NoP)” framework, integrating diverse MPFT platforms. 3) an AI/ML-powered transport network and traffic management (TNTM) optimization framework, providing intelligent, predictive, and secure functionalities to reduce transport emissions, delivery time, and costs. 4) a federated network of platforms and the AI/ML-powered optimization framework through 4 pilots and simulation-based analysis. 5) compatibility with current and future EU standards in freight and passenger mobility and will contribute to the standardization of multimodal and multi-stakeholder freight and passenger management solutions and information systems. |
Project Details
- Grant agreement ID: 101104263
- Start Date: 1st July 2023
- End Date: 30th June 2026
- Funded under: Climate, Energy and Mobility
- EU Contribution: € 4,999,561.50

DELPHI brings together a complementary consortium of 16 partners (+1 associated partner and 1 affiliated entity), from 8 EU and associated countries with the view to address the growing challenges of passenger and freight mobility.